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Introducing our Leader

A message from

Sonny Adenuga

Sonny Adenuga is the Leader of BOOT Party: Because Of Our Tomorrow.

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BOOT Party Leader, Sonny Adenuga

Since his age of consent, Sonny has always believed in Nigeria, albeit not in her current state, but a One Working Nigeria. At the early stage of his professional career, he had a very exciting experience of Nigeria. During this period until now, he had lived, worked or holidaying in 32 states of the Nigerian 36 federating states including FCT. During these periods, he met many Nigerians who have helped to shape his belief and values in Nigeria. Similarly, all of BOOT Party's early bird members believe in Nigeria and have good experiences of this great nation, hence, why they could leave so many behind to work for this mission to rebuild Nigeria based on equality, social justice and compassion. Doing this they would have redeemed the NIGERIAN DREAMS of those before us.

The conscience and the soul of the current administration is doubtful considering their choices in government show that they have added to the problems that have afflicted our people. BOOT Party members have decided to put on our working boot to work for Nigeria. Whilst it will hurt and it will be painful, there will be a need to forgive our past.

When BOOT wins elections, it is the When BOOT Party wins elections, it is the people and not the powerful who win. The mechanic, the student, the trader, the plumber, the health practitioner, the teacher, the small trader, the builder, the office worker, the student. We all win.

Nigeria needs a BOOT Party government that is prepared to work for all Nigerians irrespective of their ethnic background. While we will forgive our past, we would not be afraid to take on the powerful, who only believe that Nigeria wealth belongs to them. We will invest in our people and in our lands for the benefits of Nigerians and the benefits of all of our children.